Year Zero

So, having some drinks with some mates earlier today and it was decided that the German needed a helping hand (a foot in the bum more like) to get some sort of online presence going.

This is it, we’ll work on it, he’ll work on it and it will be cool, obviously.

What is Crosstown about? Riding fixies, riding singlespeeds, talking a bunch of poo, having a good time, oh yeah, he also builds and fixes bikes for and with us. Who are we? Well, we’re the other side of cycling, we like to call it riding, we ride jump bikes, fixticles (fixies), singlespeeds and we do it, well because we dig it. (We are:  Dave Mackay, Gavin Rossouw, Sara Muhl and The Yank)

~ by crosstowncycles on December 13, 2009.

11 Responses to “Year Zero”

  1. so, what..? I leave ape town for a while and suddenly I don’t ‘cycle’ anymore, as you guys put it? or is it cos I jump a dh bike with gears that’s older than you or ride a fixticle without breaks that you guys didn’t invite me to be part of the gang? either way, this is me, pissed off, saying good luck to you, talking poo, as you do, I don’t want to be part of the gang anyway… good to have you online olaf! xx james

  2. Sorry, I don’t understand that funny dialect you speaking?

  3. i think its time for another post guys

  4. Indeed it is! Where has that German gotten to?

  5. yes, surely the argus rush is over now. this blog is almost as good as the Yank’s personal one

  6. Leaving a bike on consignment with the Olaf is like watching my lawn grow. Correction. My lawn grows quicker than the second hand bikes that would appear to move out of his shop.

  7. Famous first words!
    Look Gavin, I made it!!

  8. Well I don’t know who you are, usually bikes move very quickly. If they don’t,it’s usually due to the price and I don;t make that,you do.
    Also, I have no consignment bike in the shop right now that has been here for more than two weeks.
    Lawnwatching has been known to do funny things to people, though.

  9. Oh-actually I do have one very overpriced racing bike that’s been standing here for a while, along with a Cannondale that wants to be extravagantly souped up beyond what it’s worth. They’ve been grown over by grass so I forgot about them. Sorry.

  10. May I respectfully propose that Glenn Harrison be made an honourary member? Freedom Challenge – One Speed – One Time (15days 14hours 20 minutes). All with that disarming smile of his. Way to go Glenn.

  11. Sounds like our kinda guy… If he has a car that’s older than 15 years and at least 5 other bicycles he’s in!

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